All-Party Parliamentary Groups are formed by politicians on specific subjects to help them become informed and to receive advice. Members are MPs and peers, and other interested parties can be invited to join as Associate Members as appropriate.
The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Craft was set up in October 2018 to enhance the understanding and promotion of craft in the UK and to ensure that craft skills are supported and passed on to future generations.
The aim is for the APPG for Craft to encompass as many aspects of craft as possible so the parliamentarians hear about the success and the challenges, and for the crafts to work together with members on the APPG for Craft to provide solutions to some of the problems.
Currently, the Chair is Sir John Hayes MP, the Secretary – Baroness Garden, the Treasurer is Sharon Hodgson MP, and Vice-Chairs are the Earl of Clancarty, Lord Cormack, and Laura Trott MP.
The Secretariat is provided independently by Patricia Lovett MBE.